Male Loss of Libido
The word libido is used frequently in matters of sexual health products or sexual health problems. Libido, simply put, is nothing but the sexual desire. There are many technical definitions like what we can find in the work of Carl Jung; “A libido is free creative or psychic energy an individual has to put toward personal development or individuation.”
Loss of Libido
Libido also depends on your mood or mental health. Stress, lifestyle, and diet impact male libido. Loss of libido is becoming one of the major problems in current times.
Lack of libido may not be as common for men as for women. About 15% men suffer from loss of libido world over as compared to about 30% women. However, men who suffer from loss of libido are more scared than women. They think that their masculinity is directly proportionate with their sexuality and hence, loss of libido is associated with loss in masculinity.
Loss of libido is a gradual process. Someone may describe this as lack of interest in sex for several months of the past year! Note that frequency of sexual intercourse is not the best tool to measure sexual interest.
Know your stage of libido
There are a lot many signs to identify your libido level. Researchers agree that it is best to deal with these issues before they turn to by symptoms. Here are some of the identification points which point to loss of libido.
You have started thinking that sex is mechanical and routine.
Sex is not giving you the feeling of connection and sharing.
Touching and playing start only in the bedroom and nowhere else.
You have stopped looking forward to variety.
One of you seems to be initiator and other, being pressured or the compromise.
You have had sex once or twice a month at the most.
You have now stopped thinking and dreaming about sexual activities with your partner.
If you’ve said yes to a majority of these questions, you are probably at the loss of libido stage number one. This is the time to act before it’s too late!
There are many ways to treat impotence but the safer way is to treat the condition naturally as much as possible. There are many herbs that can treat such condition. Herbs like valerian, passionflower etc carry natural aphrodisiac properties. Some of the other herbs are California poppy, lavender and wild oats that can make you relax without lowering any sexual drive.
Ginseng carries the natural male hormone, which improve the sexuality in men and hence is used as libido enhancer all across the world.
The herb ashwagandha not only helps cure impotence and enhances libido, it also prolongs orgasms.
Mucuna prurience and shilajit are two another great natural herbs that are known to treat male impotence to a great extent. Ayurveda favors some herbs such as Indian gooseberry (aamla), gokshura, guduchi, kaunch, lahsuna (garlic) and palaandu (onion) as natural aphrodisiac herbs that can increase libido and can help overcome impotence if consumed daily. Ginger, turmeric and black pepper are also beneficial.