Menstruation Problem

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Menstruation Problem

menstruation-problemMenstruation is the normal part a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle in which blood and tissue are discharged from the lining of the uterus. The menstrual blood is released from a tiny opening in the cervix and travels out of the body through the vagina. It is commonly called menses, menstrual period, period and women often also refer to it as Aunt Flo.The onset of menstruation occurs at puberty, around the age of 12 and is known as menarche. Girls may even start menstruating from as young as 8 years while others may start as late as 16 years. Menstruation usually occurs every 28 days in women of reproductive age. However, every woman’s period is different. Some women may experience light, moderate or heavy periods while the length of period may differ for others.

Most menstrual periods last from three to five days but women often also experience very irregular periods, especially the first few years after menstruation has begun. Periods may also be associated with range of troublesome symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, bloating, breast soreness, water retention and severe cramping.